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Nairobi's Delivery-Focused Restaurants & Eateries You Should Order From Right Now

UberEats Delivery

For decades, diners had a binary choice when mealtime arrived: cook at home, or sit down at a restaurant. Nowadays, digital services like Uber Eats have made takeout and delivery easier than ever, and whole restaurant concepts have popped up explicitly for the purposes of preparing and delivering food -- no dining room or wait staff required. That's a huge bonus in the age of social distancing. Below are some online food delivery businesses you can order from and have food delivered within a considerable amount of time.

Most concepts have a limited delivery radius to optimize quality, typically in the 5-mile range, so not every pick below will be available in your neighborhood.



One of Nairobi’s food delivery business that has made immense utilization of the power social media gives to its users. Sure, instead of cooking at home you could take the family out to eat but sometimes heading to a restaurant with your hungry hippos is more hassle than helpful. Why not get food from your favorite local restaurants, without having to leave the house at all? Big square understands this need for culinary convenience and literally, delivers.



Artcaffe gives a wide range of food options to its users from fresh market products, bakery products, drinks and even has your pet meal sorted. It can be accessed through their website and order placed via shopping cart after which delivery can be made. For the foodies with an immense liking of burgers artcaffe is the to go to site. You'll want to clear your schedule when ordering from this Eatery.