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Disney related crying attack.......works everytime!

I had forgotten about the incredible emotional power of disney. Changing my facebook picture today to my faveourite disney character - I had an urge to watch the song again. That was until I popped it on and burst into tears. It reminds me of being a little girl, living in England, being sick at the age of about 20/21 and generally makes me very sad!
I have really strong childhood memories of being a complete bastard and watching this over and over and over. Driving my mother insane. To the point where I had 5 teddies all shaped like foxes. Including the main one - rusty. Who I still have. But that's besides the point. A few years ago, I got sick and was heading for an operation. Two days before I went in for the op I had to take tablets to make me vomit and not eat for a while. I had to drink clear liquids only and clear soups. But this film was rereleased. On DVD no less - I had it on video! From many years ago. A person went to buy the film for me. Arrived into my place with the film, clear soup and stayed with me. Even though I was incredibly sick. It's one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for me. I also cried like a bitch the whole way through the film - I still cry like a bitch the whole way through this film. But I have that person to thank for bringing the film back into my life. Thank you.
Recently I watched and bought fantastic mr fox - which brought a lot of the fox related weirdness back to me. Every Disney store I have ever been in, has merchandise from every other bloody film apart from this one. I can't get any robin hood stuff!!!! In the end I had to settle for a Sebastian the crab teddy from Venice. Most unsettling. As Ariel the little mermaid is my third faveourite one. ( Alice in Wonderland is the second)

Does anyone else get emotional at Disney? Or am I just odd?

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